The Uluru Statement from the Heart is an invitation to the Australian people to work with the First Nations people, to help enable them to take a rightful place in their own land, and to realise Australia’s true potential. It is a roadmap to peace and reconciliation with the essential elements of Voice, Treaty and Truth paving the way for a better and more inclusive Australia. The First nations people need all Australians to rally together to help realise this and the Union Movement can play an important role in this endeavour as it aligns closely with union values of fairness, equity and inclusivity.
It is the position of the Ambulance Employees Association that:
AEA members support the intent of the Uluru Statement from the Heart in realising the ideals of:
- A Voice to the Parliament enshrined in the constitution to enable,
- A legislated advisory body which will allow First Nations people to be involved in decisions which effect their social, spiritual, and economic wellbeing.
- The development of legislation to enable a body, or Makaratta, to be established to provide oversight, and supervision of, a process of agreement-making and truth-telling, or Treaty, between Colonial and First Nations Australians, and
- To further enable a Truth telling process to recognise and record past injustices suffered by Indigenous people.
This support aligns with objects of the AEA’s Constitution and Rules, and its Policy & Guidelines as an issue which currently or potentially:
Affects the membership,
Affects patients of the SA community and their access to safe, quality healthcare, and
Affects the SA community more broadly in their inherent rights and freedoms as human beings.